Websummit 2018
Leaving a fantastic venue in Lisbon after Websummit 2018 with a smile on my face and loaded with energy. Exciting companies with brilliant ideas and some not. New friends, old friends and feature friends to be.
Event at Madame Petisca that we hosted together with Swedish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (CLS) at the moment to be with about 125 guest attended during the night before we got kicked out.
We have some meetings to organize and build the future. Next year, let us do the same event, same place but this time we need more Gin….
If I missed to connect with you on the event or lost contact, please ping me for contact! It was a little hectic night. Fun for us, out home town, Växjö, was heavily represented in Web Summit this year, 20 people at least! Växjö kommun Anna Sjödahl (next time your must join us).